Many of you are willing to apply in Apple and don’t know what can be asked in the interview/Test. So here is the list of Apple’s Interview Questions that can be helpful and asked in your interview. Make sure you try them yourself and try to find their solutions and similar questions. By looking at the worth of company you should be prepared and competent enough that they hire you. If you are applying for Apple, do let us know if these questions helped you.

Here is the list of questions that can be asked:
- What are the advantages of MacOS
- What do you think about Siri and what improvement do you suggest?
- Difference of Unix vs Linux
- What’s you career plan in next 5 or 10 years?
Let’s move to the Technical/Coding Part
- Given is a sorted array, you will be asked to return the sorted array of their squares
- Determine whether the string is a palindrome or not
- Implement a Queue with Two Stacks
- Revert an integer bitwise
- Design Hashset and HashMap
- You are given a list of string and asked to provide the number of strings that are unique within the list
- You’ll be asked to find the depth of a binary tree
- Copy a graph
- Reverse the linked list
- Write a function that counts the number of times a given int occurs in a Linked list
- “Search a Word” You are given a grid of Characters and string words, return true if the word exists in the grid
- Perform matrix multiplication (you should try 2 and 3 Matrices multiplication)
- Check the completeness of Binary Tree
- Find the least common ancestor from Binary Tree
- Merge Sort
- Exchange of Odd and even bits of integer
- Subarray Sum (maximum subarray sum)
- Topological Sort
- Merging of Overlapping intervals
- Count number of ways to reach the nth stair in stair case
Apple’s Interview Questions are most important to take to to the next step, I hope these questions can help you in your test/interview. You might be looking for the answers, we will try to share the answers as well (with time). Do let us know if these questions helped you