If ending a relationship was easy, we wouldn’t be here writing about how to do it. It’s not so hard to break up with someone as it is to do it in a way that doesn’t lead to shame, poor communication, and a feeling of loss. It wasn’t easy to get done.
It might be hard to end the relationship if you care about the other person. It could be the memories of the good times you had with them, the love and support they gave you at a crucial time, or even the sex you shared with them.
It could be because you care about the other person and don’t want to hurt them, or it could be because you don’t want to look like a jerk in front of your other friends who know you both. Even if you know you need to move on with your life, it’s never easy to end a relationship.
8 Ways to break up with your boyfriend
It’s hard to break up with your boyfriend when you know that there was love between you once. You might feel scared or worried about your future. You should consider why you want to end the relationship and practice what you will say before you talk.
Also see: Ways To End Codependent Relationship
Be Transparent and Straightforward about Ending Things
When the time comes, you should do what you say in person. If you don’t want to give him any reason to feel good, you should be as transparent as possible and leave no room for confusion. Try to come up with something positive or friendly to say goodbye. One of your best options is to talk to your boyfriend straight up. You and your partner have probably been through a lot of storms together. You should break off the engagement in person to show that you care about both people involved.
If the distance between you two makes you feel stressed, set up a video conference with him. If you can’t do that, the next best thing is to give them a call.
Breaking up with someone by text message or IM isn’t worth the awkwardness or lack of personal touch that could happen. If breaking up with him in person has already caused him to change his mind, you should send him a letter or email instead.
It can be as easy as picking up the phone, sending an email, or writing a letter to get away from an abusive partner. Put your health and happiness ahead of everything else.
Figure Actual Problem
In unhealthy relationships, it’s common for people to fight over small, unimportant things. It could be anything so trivial.
The truth is that we don’t usually get upset about something as unimportant as toothpaste. In reality, many things make us angry. As usual, we’re avoiding the real problem by fighting about toothpaste.
People generally have a hard time getting to the heart of a problem. They feel deep and vaguely resentful about their connection, but they can’t tell their partner because they don’t know why they think this way. These fights have caused a lot of people to complain about small things.
The first and most important step to healthy relationships with others is to have a strong relationship with yourself. Try to figure out why your relationship is making you feel bad. Think about looking at yourself and figuring out what drives you.
Why are they have to shake things up so early all the time? So, inform me, what is it regarding their mother that bothers you so much? Once you know what your core values are, you’ll be able to have a more honest conversation with your companion about your problems.

Score Your Relationship
Given all this, it’s usually not essential to ask whose fault it is. The story usually has two perspectives when a fight starts between two people. Even if lying and trickery were involved, the dishonest person was probably unhappy with many of the things that led to their fraudulent actions.
Maybe one person in a relationship is more to blame than the other for the concerns threatening the relationship, but pointing this out to “score points” won’t fix the situation.
No one should take the scorecard anywhere. You don’t have to bring up old problems when trying to solve new ones. Have no bad feelings about anyone. There’s no point in trying to figure out who got worse.
Also, it doesn’t matter; you’ll never be in a scenario where you lose. It’s just the way our brains work. We would never admit that we were wrong or wrong about something. So, instead of keeping track of points, you should listen to what’s being said and act accordingly.
Also read: 14 Trust Building Exercises For Couples That You Need To Know Of
Rehearsal is Important
You should practice your speech before you give it in front of people. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you want to say to your partner before you say it. You can also practice on your own in front of a mirror. Think about how he will respond and base your answer on what you think he will say.
If you practice often, you might be less likely to say something careless or embarrassing.
No matter how well you think you’ve planned, remember that your boyfriend could still surprise you by doing something better than you expected.
End Things Positively
Finish your message with something encouraging and upbeat. Try to be quick, but try to end on a good note. Try to say something that honestly shows how you feel instead of not saying anything to avoid a fight.
You could say, “The time we spent together was the best part of my life.” Anyone, you go out with after this is lucky to have you in their lives. “I’m sure our love for each other will last,” you could say.
Keep Moving On
Make sure he has enough room to move around. If you want to keep being friends with him, you should wait a while before calling or talking about it.
If he were shocked by the split, it wouldn’t make sense to expect him to act so quickly. At least for now, you should try not to hang out in the same places he does.
Don’t Avoid
Don’t keep putting things off or try to avoid dealing with them. Even though it’s essential to give yourself time to figure out how you feel, you shouldn’t wait any longer to talk to the person if that’s what you want.
The longer this goes on, the more trouble he’ll get, or someone will find out and tell him.
Don’t Be That Much Straight
You shouldn’t just start or end things with him in the middle of an argument. When angry, it’s easy to say things you don’t mean.
Take some time to think things over before you decide to end your relationship with your partner. You’ll either change your mind about what happened or realize you need to make things right with him.
Wait a few days to ensure you’ve made the right choice and want to end the relationship.
All in all
Deciding to end a relationship is straightforward to execute in terms of planning, but it is challenging to do it emotionally. That is to say, all that needs to be done is convey to the other person that you no longer wish to be in the relationship with them and then leave.